Glutathione may play a role in the recovery from serious accidents and trauma. Research has suggested that glutathione depletion after suffering a traumatic brain injury (TBI) contributes to secondary injury, and that glutathione as an antioxidant can help prevent free radicals from forming and reduce oxidative stress, making it a potential therapeutic option in traumatic brain injury. Maintaining adequate levels of glutathione is crucial for supporting recovery from any form of physical trauma.


Glutathione has been studied for its potential efficacy in the treatment of burns. Research has suggested that glutathione therapy may enhance wound healing in burns by decreasing stress and promoting healing of partial-thickness thermal burns. Additionally, studies have indicated that burn injuries can lead to a reduction in whole-blood and organ glutathione levels, highlighting the potential role of glutathione in the context of burn-induced oxidative stress.

Glutathione alleviates acute cerebral hemorrhage injury by reversing mitochondrial dysfunction

Glutathione precursors shield the brain from trauma

A potential new treatment for brain injury

The Protective Role of Glutathione on Zinc-Induced Neuron Death after Brain Injuries

Surgical trauma decreases glutathione synthetic capacity in human skeletal muscle tissue

Burns and trauma

Efficacy of glutathione mesotherapy in burns : an experimental study

Please contact me for more information on how to raise glutathione with a natural protein supplement

Glutathione Girl

DISCLAIMER : This information is not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease. Please consult with your healthcare provider